School History & School Background


Instill the Good Shepherd values in the Students entrusted to our care, Empowering them to face the 21st Century with its Advanced Technology and Creative Skills, with Strength and Confidence. Embed in our Students, a deep love and Respect for the Country, Appreciative of her Culture and a desire to contribute towards her Growth and Development.

Inculcating the Gospel Values in our Students and enabling them to live their day to day life, in an Integrated, Self-Disciplined Life of Good Character.

Our mission, as a team of Educationists, is to contribute to Society, a future generation of Sterling Character, with Dedication to God and Service to all without Distinction.


Our Vision is to make Our school, Good Shepherd Convent – Colombo 13, one of the most Fruitful, well Disciplined and a Leading School in the Island.

School Song

Round us the chimes of St. Lucy resounding Calling her children to join her in prayer Fill all our hearts here with pure joy abounding And banish far from us both sorrow and care
Whilst of our school we sing Making the echoes ring
Vaunting her glory, her status, her love Erin and Lanka dear, joining their voices clear Beg for their mother’s kind gifts from above

Then God save our school where our youth grows in
Our youth grows in virtue in beauty and worth Then God save our school where our mothers discerning Are one with their children in sorrow and mirth God save us young and old Fill us with joy untold And make His dear Mother our Mother today Make us to Mary true, Wearing her white and blue Strong and immaculate all through life’s way.