On 15th April, 1869, Rev. Sr. Mary Anucita Marandi, Sr. Mary Suzanne Cardiff, Sr. Euphstie Joseph and Sr. Mary Sacred Heart Masi arrived in Sri Lanka consequent to a request made in 1867 by the then Bishop of Colombo, His Lordship Hilarion Sillani to Mother Mary of St. Euphrasia Pelletier (now St. Mary Euphrasia), to set up a school of the Good Shepherd order. The Rev. Sisters had been given a grand welcome which was followed by a Thanksgiving service.

On 1st May 1869, the school began functioning with just 8 students and the first Superior of the Convent, Sr. Mary of the Seven Dolours Joly taking over the task of leading the School as Principal.

One of the priorities of the Good Shepherd Sisters had been to pursue the construction of a Chapel. Consequently the site was blessed on 21st June 1869 and the construction was left in the able and artistic hands of Fr. Stanislaus Tabarrani, who was then regarded as a world icon in par with popular characters such as Michael Angelo. During the 1870s’ the school had around 100 day scholars. The construction of a two-storey building, to house an orphanage began on 21st June 1869, guided by Bishop Sillani.

Good Shepherd Convent was established 140 years ago on Colombo’s highest point, like a light set on a towering hill.

It was the Benedictine Italian Archbishop of Colombo, Rt. Rev. Sillani, who initiated the first Catholic Convent, yet it drew upon the efforts of a French Saint Mother Euphrasia to plant the seed which has now become a mighty tree through whose portals thousands of girls have passed through.

Past Principals

1869 – 1872
Mother Mary of Seven Dolores Joly
1872 – 1876
Mother Mary of John the Evangelist Dodsworth.
1876 – 1882
Mother Mary of Ignatius Lalor
1882 – 1893
Mother Mary of Rosalie Cleary
1894 – 1895
Mother Mary of Armedi Kennedy
1895 – 1901
Mother Mary of Veronica Curram
1901 – 1911
Mother Mary of Winifrid Crotty
1911 – 1921
Mother Mary of Prosper Walsh
1921 – 1924
Mother Mary of Francis Borgia Collection
1924 – 1928
Mother Mary of Prosper Walsh
1928 – 1932
Mother Immaculate conception Houghes On 10th March 1932, She became the Provincial Superior of Ceylon.
1933 – 1936
Mother Mary of John the Evangelist Mc Carthy.
1936 – 1940
Mother Mary of Gerard Connorton.
1941 – 1946
Mother Mary of Isidore Conroy
1947 – 1948
Mother Mary of Paul of the Cross Williams
1948 – 1955
Mother Mary of St. Canice Kinsella
1956 – 1961
Sr. Mary of Isidore Conroy
1962 – 1965
Sr. Mary of St. Canice Kinsella
1966 – 1972
Sr. Mary of St.Sabine Crooz
1973 – 1984
Sr. Mary Agnes de Sampayo
1985 – 1990
Sr. Mary Rohini Mendis
1991 – 1994
Sr. Mary Lynnette Perera
2000 – 2002
Sr. Mary Rohini Mendis
2002 – 2010
Sr. Gertrude Vithanage
2011 – 2019
Sr. Renuka Silva